Posts: 1
Favorite Game: Lotus Land StoryFavorite Character: GengetsuCustom Title: idkMini-Profile Text Border: White
Post by ataekurri on Feb 4, 2019 19:04:40 GMT
So..hi ? I'm a lovely little "frenchie"~ I love Touhou since...5 years ago i think ? Something like that I 1cc'd all the games in Easy, Normal, Hard (except for LoLK but...Clownpiece.) Gengetsu is love, Gengetsu is life ATM i'm studying for a dev highschool, i'm in something we call "STI2D" here in France (Science Technologique Informatique du Développement Durable) (Technologic science of Computers and Sustainable development) So..yeah, that's..yeah, that's it. '^'
Oh btw, Foxes have my eternal love~
ツ Synara ツ
Stalky Girl
Posts: 1,335
Gap TIME b*tch
Favorite Game: Perfect Cherry BlossomFavorite Character: Yukari YakumoCustom Title: Stalky GirlMini Profile Text Color: 000000Mini-Profile Name Color: F289FFMini-Profile Text Border: White
Post by ツ Synara ツ on Feb 20, 2019 13:46:31 GMT
Hi ! Im also new here it's true that Gengetsu is a good character i like her too and im also french